Gut Health

This course will focus on exploring the four pillars of the gut, including infection, inflammation, insufficiency, and imbalance.
Lexi Yoo
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Gut health ydh training academy

This course will focus on exploring the four pillars of the gut, including infection, inflammation, insufficiency, and imbalance. We will review the 5R protocol that are the foundation of functional medicine to approach gut health as well as utilizing integrative therapies to achieve microbiome balance. We will discuss gut testing, pathogenic and viral pathogens, H. pylori, commensal bacteria, opportunistic, inflammatory, and autoimmune-linked bacteria, fungi and yeast, parasites, and intestinal health markers, including how to take a root cause approach to treatment.

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Lecture 1- Gut Health

  • Recognize the symptoms of poor gut health, such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, reflux, and abdominal pain.​
  • Learn about the 5 R protocol for gut health, which involves removing harmful substances, replacing digestive enzymes and acids, reinoculating the gut with beneficial bacteria, repairing the gut lining, and rebalancing the gut microbiome.​
  • Understand how to implement the 5 R protocol to improve gut health, including specific dietary and lifestyle modifications.​
  • Understand the importance of individualized treatment in gut health, taking into account factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and environmental exposures.​
  • Understand the role of functional testing in identifying gut imbalances and developing personalized treatment plans.​
  • Understand the benefits of commonly used gut health supplements, including probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, and fiber supplements.

Lecture 2- Gut Health Case Studies

  • Understand the importance of gut testing and how it can be used to identify gastrointestinal conditions.
  • Identify the different types of gut testing available and when to consider them.
  • Understand the difference between IgG and IgE food sensitivity and when to consider food sensitivity testing.
  • Understand the etiology and treatment options for SIBO.
  • Interpret gut test results and consider potential treatment options through case reviews.

Lecture 3- Gut Health 

  • Review the principles of functional medicine and how it relates to gut health.
  • Introduce various nutrition plans that can help improve gut health such as the elimination diet, low FODMAP diet, and candida diet.
  • Review the common causes of candida overgrowth and when it may be necessary to consider a candida diet.
  • Provide guidance on which foods to avoid and which foods to include in each nutrition plan.
  • Discuss the concept of die-off and the symptoms associated with it.
  • Educate the audience on how to manage die-off symptoms effectively.
  • Review the reintroduction phase and how to successfully reintroduce foods back into the diet after following a restrictive nutrition plan.
  • Provide practical tips and resources for maintaining optimal gut health.

Lecture 4- Incorporating other modalities into Gut Health and putting it all together

  • Educate healthcare professionals and practitioners on the essential role of gut health in overall health and wellness.
  • Introduce peptide therapy as a modality to support gut healing and regeneration, specifically BPC-157, and review the evidence-based benefits of regenerative peptides.
  • Review the recommended dosing and administration of BPC-157 for optimal patient outcomes.
  • Discuss the use of IV ozone therapy as an effective modality for improving overall health and wellness.
  • Use case studies to demonstrate how a comprehensive approach to gut health, including nutrition, nutraceuticals, IV therapy, and peptide therapy, can support optimal health outcomes for patients.


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